Move well. Feel confident.
Embrace Women's Health Physio
Women’s Health Physiotherapy refers to the treatment and management of health concerns related to continence, pre- and post-natal women, pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain and post-menopausal changes.
Research shows that one in three women will experience some type of women’s health problem during their life. Our Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Nicole Cullen has interest, experience and skills in treating conditions unique to women and will tailor a treatment plan to your needs.
Women’s Health problems we treat:
Pregnancy care
Post-natal care and recovery, including c-section recovery
Lower back, Pelvic and Hip pain
Chronic pelvic girdle pain (endometriosis)
Urinary Incontinence (including stress, urge and mixed incontinence)
Overactive Bladder - increased urgency and frequency
Dyspareuria (pain with intercourse)
What to expect at your Initial Assessment
When booking a Women’s Health Assessment we dedicate 60 minutes to you. We want to know your whole story.
Nicole understands the complex nature of Women’s Health conditions, so we make sure we make the time to hear your whole story and complete a thorough assessment so the most appropriate treatment plan can be developed and discussed with you.
The first Women’s Health session will focus on a comprehensive history including talking about your symptoms and how they have been impacting your life and what you want to work on and goals for treatment. We will discuss, where appropriate, your bladder and bowel habits, pelvic symptoms, menstruation cycle, obstetric history, sexual function, medication, exercise, general health, muscular or joint pains.
Assessment will then progress to physical examination including posture, movement and meaningful task analysis. Nicole is trained in Diane Lee’s Integrated System’s Model, where she use’s a whole body assessment and functional approach to find the driver or root cause of your concern.
For some patients, an internal vaginal examination may be recommended which aims to assess your pelvic floor muscle tone, strength and function, along with the position and support of your pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, bowels). Real time ultrasound assessment and bladder diaries may also be provided before a diagnosis is determined.
From the initial assessment an individual management plan will be completed. Treatment may include education on anatomy and the structures involved, retraining posture and movement strategies, unwinding tight or overactive structures (muscles, fascia, nerves), retraining bladder habits, pelvic floor awareness exercises, relaxation and breathing techniques, lifestyle changes and possible use of specific pelvic floor equipment.
Our Women’s Health Physio’s embrace all of your anatomy and empower you with knowledge and awareness necessary to make the changes in your own body.