Feeling not quite right down below?


June is Prolapse Awareness Month. Pelvic organ prolapse is defined as a ‘slipping of pelvic organs’, whereby organs can descend from their normal position within the pelvic cavity. Symptoms are described as a feeling of heaviness, bulging or dragging in the vagina, period like pain, and difficulty with bladder and bowel voiding.

Because prolapse affects each woman differently, it is important that you have an individual assessment and diagnosis.

Up to 75% of women will develop at least some degree of pelvic organ prolapse during their lifetime. Those most at risk can include:

  1. Any women who has given birth (especially those with complex vaginal birth including use of forceps.)

  2. Any women with a history of chronic respiratory condition

  3. Any women with a history of chronic constipation

  4. Any woman with a history of regular heavy weight lifting

  5. Any woman who has been an elite/ high level athlete – especially those in high impact sports including running/ gymnastics.

Despite the stigma around prolapse it doesn’t have to stop you from what you love doing, there any many effective treatment options available including Womens’ Health Physiotherapy.

For more information on Prolapse, symptoms and treatment options head to our website and have a read of the Australian Physiotherapy Factsheet.

To download the Australian Physiotherapy Factsheet click here


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