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Women’s Health Week 2024 Topics
Women’s Health Week in Australia kicks off 4th - 8th September.
This years theme - Grow Your Knowledge - helping women to make informed decisions about their health and prioritising their wellbeing.
Check out our blog for resources and information links

Thoracic diaphragm - the key to running economy.
"You don't run to get fit, you need to be fit to run." Diane Lee
This awesome quote just makes sense. When athletes train for running events, they focus on graded increase in km’s per week, strength and conditioning at the gym and flexibility with stretch and release. While these exercises are worthwhile, I urge you to not overlook the fundamentals of breathing. Its the key to trunk control, powerful stride and optimising running economy.
Check out Nicole’s blog on the thoracic diaphragm - a key player in athletic performance.

Urinary Incontinence - its not always a case of a weak pelvic floor!
A weak pelvic floor often gets the blame for bladder leakage, our Women’s Health Physio’s explain why this isn’t always the case!

Returning to running or sport after having a baby
A well-functioning pelvic floor is essential for daily and is vital for running, don’t overlook it! Book in for your Womens’ Health Assessment beforehand, appointments are available at our Bowral Clinic.

Are the feet really connected to the pelvic floor?
Patient’s often wonder why we care so much about their feet when they come to us with a pelvic health issue.
Well, it’s because there is a deep connection between our feet, pelvis, including our pelvic floor muscles!
Read on to find out more .

Birth Preparation with our Women’s Health Physio’s
Wether it’s a first time mum, goal of vaginal delivery after caesarean (VBAC), goal of a drug free delivery, or subsequent birth planning after a tricky birth that didn’t quite go to plan the first time, our Women’s Health Physio’s can help.

Feeling not quite right down below?
Because prolapse affects each woman differently, it is important that you have an individual assessment and diagnosis.

Recovering after C-Section Delivery
The post-partum recovery period is a precious window of time for rest and recovery.
Delivery of our babies via caesearean birth is major abdominal surgery and women need to take the time and care to recover safely and effectively.

Menopause and Osteoporosis: how can exercise help?
Menopause is the most significant health event in a womens life. It is defined as the last menstrual period and the average age of onset is 51 years. With the average life span of a female in Australia now extended to 84.6 years, most women will spend more than one third of their life time beyond the menopause years.

Postnatal Abdominal Recovery - is it all about the gap?
The postnatal period is a critical time to protect, repair and strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are critical for restoring abdominal and trunk muscle length and function; and their recovery is easily overlooked whilst keeping up with the demands of a newborn.

Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain
Approximately 1 in 5 pregnant women will suffer pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain. It can be a real nuisance and impact on many day to day activities including walking, standing, stairs, getting dressed, getting in and out of the car and exercise.

Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)
One of the primary causes of painful sex is a tense, or non-relaxing, pelvic floor. Approximately 15% of women experience painful sex, however this number rises to 68% in women during their first year post-partum.

Knowing When Your Pelvic Floor Needs To Chillax
When we hear about our pelvic floor we are commonly reminded to strengthen, tighten, lift and squeeze. For many, these exercises may assist with symptoms relating to bladder or bowel incontinence, but for others, pelvic floor exercises may be harmful and make their symptoms worse.

Early Physiotherapy Treatment for Mastitis
Mastitis is an inflammatory reaction of the breast tissue, caused by blocked milk ducts, which may result in infection. Women’s Health Physiotherapists can help treat Mastitis early and effectively without the need for antibiotics.

How to open your bowels
Did you know there is a proper way to poop? If you have issues with constipation, straining, fissures or hemorrhoids it could be because of the way you poop.

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy
Optimal pregnancy exercise guidelines will differ for every mum, depending on your pre-pregnancy activity level and how your pregnancy is progressing. In the absence of complications, prenatal exercise is safe, has minimal risks and extremely beneficial for maternal health.

Women's Health Awareness Week - Stress Incontinence
Do you leak a small amount of urine when you cough, sneeze, lift, laugh or jump? Urinary Incontinence affects up to 37% of women and up to 13% of men. Stress incontinence is generally caused by a weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. In women, the pelvic floor is affected by pregnancy, childbirth and menopause.

Pelvic Floor Recovery Post Pregnancy
The time immediately after your baby arrives, or "postpartum period" is a critical time to protect, repair and strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are critical for restoring abdominal and trunk muscle length and function; and their recovery is easily overlooked whilst keeping up with the demands of a newborn