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Sports Specific Strength and Conditioning
Our lead performance physiotherapist Clayton Barnes explains more on what exactly it is and how athletes can benefit from it.

Thoracic diaphragm - the key to running economy.
"You don't run to get fit, you need to be fit to run." Diane Lee
This awesome quote just makes sense. When athletes train for running events, they focus on graded increase in km’s per week, strength and conditioning at the gym and flexibility with stretch and release. While these exercises are worthwhile, I urge you to not overlook the fundamentals of breathing. Its the key to trunk control, powerful stride and optimising running economy.
Check out Nicole’s blog on the thoracic diaphragm - a key player in athletic performance.

Returning to Sport following ACL injury or surgery
Often one of the first questions we get asked by an athlete after getting the news they have injured their ACL is, “when can I go back to sport?”

Netball Knee and Ankle Injury Prevention - 2023
Our Physio’s Rebecca and Nicole present to local Southern Highlands netballers on Netball knee and ankle injury prevention.

Netball Knee and Ankle Injury Prevention
Our Physio’s Rebecca and Nicole present to local Southern Highlands netballers on Netball knee and ankle injury prevention.

Taping an ankle for return to sport
This ankle taping is commonly used to give support for return to sport after ankle ligament sprains, ankle fractures and ankle dislocations.

Why its not “just an ankle sprain”.
“It’s Just an ankle sprain”- hands up if you have heard that one before?
Unfortunately not! Ankle sprains that are left untreated have a 40% chance of developing chronic ankle instability within one year. This can lead to recurrent injuries and extended time off sport.
So what do we need to do to treat the simple ankle sprain and return to sport safely?…. Physio Clayton explains.

Menopause and Osteoporosis: how can exercise help?
Menopause is the most significant health event in a womens life. It is defined as the last menstrual period and the average age of onset is 51 years. With the average life span of a female in Australia now extended to 84.6 years, most women will spend more than one third of their life time beyond the menopause years.

New game-changer in physio-led ACL Rehabilitation
Following an ACL injury, the majority of people prioritise looking into their surgical options first. New evidence is suggesting that this may not be the best course of immediate action, or in some cases, required at all.

Don’t put your health & wellbeing on hold
Subsidised Physiotherapy Telehealth Consultations - What you need to know.

Tradies National Health Month
Don’t let small niggles develop chip away at you and develop into a more serious complaint. Take care of your most important piece of equipment, yourself, by seeking treating early and let us help you feel better for work and the weekends

Fit to Study - Preventing Study Related Injuries
As a Physiotherapist who only treats children, I have seen a progressive rise in the incidence of posture related injuries over the past 10 years.