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Is your child school ready before starting kindergarten in 2023?
You’ve probably considered their ability to count and draw but have you considered your childs’ gross motor skill development?

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)
June is Development Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) Awareness month.
DDH is diagnosed in 8-10 children every day, however when left undiagnosed or untreated it is the leading cause of early onset hip arthritis in our adult populations.
Our Paediatric Physio Emma writes about the signs and symptoms of DDH in babies and young children.

May is Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome Awareness Month
May is Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Awareness Month. The effects of EDS can be very debilitating, causing pain and fatigue. But there is a lot that Physiotherapists who understand connective tissue differences can do to help!

Tummy Time - our top tips for new parents
Tummy Time is one of baby's first exercises and the most important for their development foundations.
The key to successful tummy time throughout the day is changing it up and creating opportunity where possible, our physio’s Beck and Emma share their tips.

New to parenthood? Have you noticed your baby has a preference to turn or hold their head to one direction? If yes, we recommend a screen for torticollis.

Growing pains: Fact or Myth?
They are a commonly known phenomenon but at some points in history growing pains have been dismissed as a myth. So do they exist? Our Paediatric Physiotherapist Beck Snowden explains..

Fit to Study - Preventing Study Related Injuries
As a Physiotherapist who only treats children, I have seen a progressive rise in the incidence of posture related injuries over the past 10 years.

Baby and Toddler Physio
Becoming a parent is an exciting time in a parent's life -there is so much to learn about how to care for your baby. A Paediatric Physiotherapist can assess and advise on how to meet your baby's motor milestones and overall development.

Just wrapping up day 3 of casting here in Tonga
Just wrapping up day 3 of casting here in Tonga.