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Menopause and Osteoporosis: how can exercise help?
Menopause is the most significant health event in a womens life. It is defined as the last menstrual period and the average age of onset is 51 years. With the average life span of a female in Australia now extended to 84.6 years, most women will spend more than one third of their life time beyond the menopause years.

Postnatal Abdominal Recovery - is it all about the gap?
The postnatal period is a critical time to protect, repair and strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are critical for restoring abdominal and trunk muscle length and function; and their recovery is easily overlooked whilst keeping up with the demands of a newborn.

Changes to Private Health Care and Pilates from April 1st 2019
Important changes to ‘Pilates’ and ‘Clinical Exercise Classes’ from April 1 2019.

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy
Optimal pregnancy exercise guidelines will differ for every mum, depending on your pre-pregnancy activity level and how your pregnancy is progressing. In the absence of complications, prenatal exercise is safe, has minimal risks and extremely beneficial for maternal health.

Fit to Study - Preventing Study Related Injuries
As a Physiotherapist who only treats children, I have seen a progressive rise in the incidence of posture related injuries over the past 10 years.