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Taping an ankle for return to sport
This ankle taping is commonly used to give support for return to sport after ankle ligament sprains, ankle fractures and ankle dislocations.

Why its not “just an ankle sprain”.
“It’s Just an ankle sprain”- hands up if you have heard that one before?
Unfortunately not! Ankle sprains that are left untreated have a 40% chance of developing chronic ankle instability within one year. This can lead to recurrent injuries and extended time off sport.
So what do we need to do to treat the simple ankle sprain and return to sport safely?…. Physio Clayton explains.

Preventing Ankle Sprain Injuries
Prevention of an ankle sprain is extremely important in sport, and results in athletes maintaining participation in competition for longer. Preventing an ankle sprain requires a balance between ankle joint stability and mobility – but what does this mean and why?