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Concussion & safe participation in sport for children.
Concussions are the third most common hospitalized sports-related injury among children aged 5 to 15 years.
This calls for the promotion of safe participation in sport for our children.
Click to access our FREE Concussion Information Resource for all sports clubs and athletes of the Southern Highlands.

How to recognise a Concussion injury
Concussions in kids is something not to be missed! Children are more susceptible to concussion than adults ‘due to the fact their brains and bodies are still growing.’ Concussion doesn’t just occur with winter sports, they can also occur in other activities such as cycling accidents and falling at the playground.

Concussion Injuries - Clayton explains
Today is National Concussion Awareness Day, but how much do you know about concussion injuries? Clayton explains via video link

Concussion injury - what to do in the first 48 hours.
Concussions are a serious injury and require close monitoring especially in the first 48 hours, here’s what to do:

Baseline Testing for Concussion
Summer is quickly coming to an end, and the start of the winter sports season is upon us. This means contact sports are kicking off again, and these are the majority of the sports that have a higher incidence of concussions.

Concussion in the Workplace
When most people think of concussion they think of collision sports such as rugby and AFL. However, concussions can occur anywhere. Although concussions experienced in the workplace may not occur as regularly or dramatically as those on the football field, they should still be taken just as serious and managed accordingly.

Concussion - Not just a Sports Injury
Concussions can happen anywhere, at any time and we don’t need to be playing a sport to sustain a concussion.

Concussions - Time is of the essence.
The talk on concussions is more prevalent now than ever (for a good reason), and the commencement of treatment ASAP can significantly effect recovery timeframes. If there is a suspected concussion, here is what you need to do.