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September - Headache and Migraine Awareness Week
This week is Headache and Migraine Awareness Week 2022! In this Blog, Shane dives a little deeper into the how headaches and migraines work behind the scenes.

How to recognise a Concussion injury
Concussions in kids is something not to be missed! Children are more susceptible to concussion than adults ‘due to the fact their brains and bodies are still growing.’ Concussion doesn’t just occur with winter sports, they can also occur in other activities such as cycling accidents and falling at the playground.

Treatment of jaw pain
Physiotherapists are well-positioned to treat jaw pain and temporomandibular disorders because we can address them through multiple forms of management, enabling us to adopt a holistic approach.

Assessment of the jaw - what is involved?
Before we can address your jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pains, we will first need to work out where the issue lies and what factors are contributing to it.

Mask wearing: how it can affect our neck, jaw and breathing patterns
Wearing a mask is part of being a responsible citizen but it can affect our neck, jaw and breathing patterns especially if we need to wear one for a long time.

Physiotherapy and dizziness
Dizziness is a prevalent issue in our everyday life and we can all relate when someone tells us that he/she is feeling dizzy. More often than not, we put dizziness down to feeling sleep deprived or being dehydrated, and it goes away on its own. However, what happens when you have it so frequently or if it is not improving? Sounds worthwhile checking it out as there may be more to it!

Concussion in the Workplace
When most people think of concussion they think of collision sports such as rugby and AFL. However, concussions can occur anywhere. Although concussions experienced in the workplace may not occur as regularly or dramatically as those on the football field, they should still be taken just as serious and managed accordingly.

TMJ Dysfunction - How Physio Can Help!
Most people living with TMJ Dysfunction are often (but not necessarily) teeth grinders or clenchers. It can be a part of a bigger picture where it is sometimes accompanied by headaches, dizziness, facial pains, tinnitus (ear ringing), or upper neck pain.

Neck Related Headaches
There are many causes that can contribute to a headache and an unhappy neck is a common one.