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Menopause and Osteoporosis: how can exercise help?
Menopause is the most significant health event in a womens life. It is defined as the last menstrual period and the average age of onset is 51 years. With the average life span of a female in Australia now extended to 84.6 years, most women will spend more than one third of their life time beyond the menopause years.
Clinic Update - August 2020
If you have been into the clinic lately you will have seen us wearing our protective face masks!
Postnatal Abdominal Recovery - is it all about the gap?
The postnatal period is a critical time to protect, repair and strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are critical for restoring abdominal and trunk muscle length and function; and their recovery is easily overlooked whilst keeping up with the demands of a newborn.
New game-changer in physio-led ACL Rehabilitation
Following an ACL injury, the majority of people prioritise looking into their surgical options first. New evidence is suggesting that this may not be the best course of immediate action, or in some cases, required at all.
How to avoid a groin strain this soccer season
Groin injuries can mean disaster for the sporting season, especially a shortened one which we will see this year. They can result in time on the sideline, ongoing pain, delay to return to play, increase risk of repeat injury and impaired performance. Soccer players are particularly susceptible to these injuries so how can we prevent them?
Concussion in the Workplace
When most people think of concussion they think of collision sports such as rugby and AFL. However, concussions can occur anywhere. Although concussions experienced in the workplace may not occur as regularly or dramatically as those on the football field, they should still be taken just as serious and managed accordingly.
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain
Approximately 1 in 5 pregnant women will suffer pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain. It can be a real nuisance and impact on many day to day activities including walking, standing, stairs, getting dressed, getting in and out of the car and exercise.
Don’t put your health & wellbeing on hold
Subsidised Physiotherapy Telehealth Consultations - What you need to know.
Physiotherapy and COVID-19 - what you need to know.
Our clinic remains open!
It has been made clear by The Australian Physiotherapy Association and Federal Minister for Health that Allied Health is essential and we are encouraged to continue providing care.
Strength and Conditioning for Sport
Being de-conditioned or under-prepared for your sport can lead to injuries throughout the season and time away from the activities you enjoy. This is where strength and conditioning for sport comes in to play.
Concussion - Not just a Sports Injury
Concussions can happen anywhere, at any time and we don’t need to be playing a sport to sustain a concussion.
Painful Sex (Dyspareunia)
One of the primary causes of painful sex is a tense, or non-relaxing, pelvic floor. Approximately 15% of women experience painful sex, however this number rises to 68% in women during their first year post-partum.
World Physiotherapy Day - 8th September
Chronic pain affects 1 in 5 Australians, or as many as 1 in 3 Australians over the age of 65. This year World Physiotherapy Day—Sunday 8 September—focuses on the role physiotherapists play in supporting people with Chronic Pain.
Tradies National Health Month
Don’t let small niggles develop chip away at you and develop into a more serious complaint. Take care of your most important piece of equipment, yourself, by seeking treating early and let us help you feel better for work and the weekends
TMJ Dysfunction - How Physio Can Help!
Most people living with TMJ Dysfunction are often (but not necessarily) teeth grinders or clenchers. It can be a part of a bigger picture where it is sometimes accompanied by headaches, dizziness, facial pains, tinnitus (ear ringing), or upper neck pain.
Get fit for the slopes!
With the temperature dropping and the snow starting to fall in the Victorian ski fields and Southern Tablelands, the ski season is fast approaching. Is your body prepared for the snow? Some will be heading down for your first experience while others are seasoned veterans, it is equally important to have the body well prepared.
Knowing When Your Pelvic Floor Needs To Chillax
When we hear about our pelvic floor we are commonly reminded to strengthen, tighten, lift and squeeze. For many, these exercises may assist with symptoms relating to bladder or bowel incontinence, but for others, pelvic floor exercises may be harmful and make their symptoms worse.
Concussions - Time is of the essence.
The talk on concussions is more prevalent now than ever (for a good reason), and the commencement of treatment ASAP can significantly effect recovery timeframes. If there is a suspected concussion, here is what you need to do.
Recovering from Hamstring Injury
Footy season is fast approaching, with pre-season games already underway. Did you know that 15-20% of hamstring injures re-occur in the same season, and over 1/3 of them will re-occur during the first 2 weeks of return to sport.